Diego Reyes Coronado

Fullstack Developer
Digital Marketing Enthusiastic

Graduated information systems engineer. @microverse student. Online entrepreneur at @gal-da and E-Commerce store owner. I like to build things and run ads.

Currently looking for a remote full stack developer role.

React Next.JS
stockly webpage

A Dribbble clone build from scratch using React and Next.js. A fullstack project developed with React and Laravel using rest API's as communication bridge. Search the projects library filtering by category or title.

stockly webpage

A stocks tracker website that allows users to search for any stock they follow on NASDAQ and stay updated on the most gainers and most losers at any given moment. Features: live stocks search, stock's detailed information page, most gainers, and most losers stock lists.

Javascript Phaser 3 Game Engine
the witcher game scene

A 2D shooter game using JavaScript's game engine framework Phaser 3. Features: online score leaderboard, score system, full sprite animations, objects collisions, and multiple enemy classes.

Ruby on rails
newsweek clone laptop view

A movie blog that allows users to read & write articles about their favorite Netflix shows. Additional functionalities: user login and sign-up.

HTML/CSS Responsive
newsweek clone laptop view

A summit event website that lets users navigate through the landing page, an about us page, and tickets shop page. Features: pure HTML layout, pure CSS styling, modern flexbox layout, responsive design.

HTML/CSS Responsive
newsweek clone laptop view

The most recent newsweek.com page up to date clone, developed using pure HTML, CSS, and bootstrap. Additional features: sticky, responsive header built with javascript.